“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”
If that sounds like the stuff of Facebook memes, it is, and it no doubt graces many office walls and whiteboards, as well. But while doing what you love sounds wonderful and romantic, getting there can be pretty darn daunting.
Maybe you grew up in a working class home where you watched your parents dutifully put in their shifts at “the plant.” They worked Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm, just so they could enjoy the weekend off and two weeks at the campground each summer.
Or perhaps you went off to college and studied law or sales or biology, and now you feel trapped in a job you don’t love. You’d like to change course, but what if you make the wrong choice? What else are you even qualified to do? And what about those student loans?
Here’s another dilemma for those who feel as if they’re “working for the weekend” and not pursuing their passions: How can you even know what you want to be when you grow up?
Sound familiar?
The truth is, there are millions of people out there who trudge off to work each and every day, wishing they were anywhere else, and hoping one day to find what really inspires them. If that’s you, then rest assured, you are not alone.
But know this, too: There is still time to discover your passion and start doing the work you love.
My guide and workbook can show you how to discover your purpose so you can love your life!